2008 Family picture

2008 Family picture

Monday, December 1, 2008

An official blogger/ Thanksgiving weekend

Okay so I am finally an official blogger. My sister in laws helped me get it up and going which is a good thing because I don't think I would have ever been able to figure it out on my own. They are not computer challenged like I am . (Darren would be so disappointed). Anyway, their blogs are all so cute, I decided I would give it a try, we'll see how it goes.
Thanksgiving weekend was so much fun. It was so great to be with all of my family, no one was missing! It gets a little crazy at times with everyone, we were all so impressed that we went the whole weekend without any major freak outs, which is a miracle if you know the Reutzel's. The girls did a lot of fun stuff. We went and saw Twilight which I loved. We saw my brother Austin and his girlfriend there. I think he was a little embarrassed because we were all waving him down to come sit by us, not to mention the fact that he was caught going to see Twilight ha ha! We also went to see the Forgotten Carols with my Grandma Carter, it was so fun until the end of the night we went to get in our parked car and got rear ended by a big truck. I hopped out and chased down the driver to make sure he knew he hit us and make sure that he wasn't going to take off. He looked a little startled to see a pregnant woman chasing him down. We all got a good laugh from it (at my expense). We did a little shopping, a lot of eating and played a good amount of Phase 10 and Skip bo, although I didn't play very well. Me and Christy may have went a little overboard when we made the pies. Let's just put it this way, there was plenty of leftovers. Oh well, you never want to be short on the pie! Oh yeah and I beat my brother Austin and Dad at ping pong. True, my dad also beat me but still- I was quite proud of my self. It was so fun to see my brother Cody's twin boys Linclon and Brighton. They are the sweetest, cutest little babies. I got so attached to them, it was hard to put them down and to see them all go. They are such a cute little family, Cambry was very entertaining. They definitely have their hands full. We are hoping that next year they will live closer. My boys loved being with their cousins, they all play so well together. They learn a lot from their uncles, some good, some bad, but Dylan especially likes to hang out with them. They helped Grandma make the turkey name settings for dinner and had fun with her. Grandpa always knows how to get them wound up and they had a blast playing hide and go seek in the dark with all the cousins! We had a great weekend.

1 comment:

Dkole said...

I found it! Now I will keep checking on you! So good keeping in touch with you!